Thursday, April 26, 2007


It's D-Day, departure day! Coincidently, our good friend Michelle is flying out of PDX around the same time as me on her way to Canada. She's Canadan... a Cano-American... a daughter of Canadia. You know what i mean. North of the Border.

We''ll be seeing each other in a few weeks in Germany, then later on in Amsterdam.

Rob dropped us off at the airport a bit ago, and we've made it through security. I'm having my last Oregon brew for a while. Michelle, a sprite. She must be driving to Canada... I had a wonderful last supper last night with neighbors Eric and Brian, bacon burger with Tillamook cheddar, tater tots and pints at the Back Stage pub behind the Bagdad Theatre.

Next stop... Houston.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow -- you didn't waste any time getting your first post online!

I miss you already --

Here's to a safe arrival!

-- Rob