Wednesday, May 2, 2007

If it's Tuesday, it must be Tuebingen

Wait, it's Wednesday, right? At any rate, i left Bavaria yesterday and headed back to our old stomping grounds to visit my old host family from when i studied in Tübingen. Onkel Frieder is still a high school teacher and Tante Irene has her fingers in many pies. This morning she had a Spanish class in Tübingen, so i hitched a ride.

Tübingen as most of you know, is where Rob and i met as exchange students. Behind these riverfront homes on the top of the hill overlooking the Altstadt (oldtown) is Tübingen's castle. It is now a university building and is where i once had a Theology seminar.

Tübingen's Marktplatz is the central town square. Wednesdays are still market days here on the plaza in front of the Rathaus (city hall).

I spent the morning wandering around the cobble stone streets and through the back alleys.

Soon i came across one of our old pubs. It didn't wifi, and the bartender didn't think there was an internet cafe' close by. I needed to edit some photos anyway, so i thought, what the heck. Is it ever too early for a Hefeweizen?

Tante Irene and i had arranged to meet up after her Spanish class just below the castle. The Hotel am Schloß has a great restaurant featuring 30 plus different varieties of the southern German ravioli know as Maultaschen ("snout pockets"). In 2002, Rob and i did a bike tour along the Neckar river and stayed overnight in the "penthouse" room of the hotel, which was sweet, since it had view out the attic windows in each direction.

Tübingen am Neckar


Anonymous said...

Hi Hans -- I loved the pictures of Tübingen! Especially you with Hefeweizen at the Storchen pub with the guy behind you looking all wacky.

I'm a little surprised they don't have WiFi cafés in Tübingen. I suppose the pubs in Tübingen probably don't need to do anything to encourage business with so many students in that little town.

Keep up the fun blog! -R

Anonymous said...

So, it's Reutlingen / Tübigen time. I haven't been to Tübingen all year, so sad, but we have Hefeweizen, too.

Looking forward to seeing you!


ps.: Hi, Rob!

Hans said...

I'm sure there was a hi-fi hot spot somewhere. After the Kellnerin said there wasn't though, i kind of thought. who needs internet when you can have a real Hefeweizen. So i stayed.

Horst, thanks for the confirmation. Please be well stocked :)