Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Michael & Michelle

Michael and Michelle, our good buddies from Portland are also criss-crossing Europe and dropped in on us in the Odenwald, enabling Achim to fulfill his lifelong dream of picking someone up at the Fahrenbacher Hauptbahnhof. (Michael, by the way, is a train nut.)

The county seat is the town of Heppenheim, and it was there that we got our German on.

Michael and Michelle wound up staying a second night (and not just because they were greeted with a meal that included asparagus salad.) We also learned the first evening that Michelle is not allergic to whiskey, and we killed Achim's virgin bottle of Johnny Walker black. Later there was some sort of pear Schnaps.

On day two, we three walked the half mile to Fürth, the "big" town next door. Anything with a pub does qualify as big. On Thursday, we trained together as far as Frankfurt, with M&M going east to Berlin and me going west to Düsseldorf.

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