Monday, May 28, 2007

for Janet

It's another late night, but here's a few random pictures of Flemish life and culture, just so you'll know we did mere than drink beer...

Pretty picture. Self-explanatory.

This chapel houses the holy relic of Jesus's blood. (really.)

This imposing hall is the Bruges theatre house. We didn't see any plays, but behind the theatre was one of the pubs we hit.

Also behind the theatre is an outdoor public urinal. It's that silver thing that looks like modern art.

In the courtyard behind the Church of Our Lady are modern sculptures depicting the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

This one wields his mighty sword.
[remember: clicky, clicky makes biggy biggy.]


Anonymous said...

Thanks guys -- you're so sweet to dedicate an entire entry just to me! And how did you know I was wondering if you were doing anything but drinking beer...? I know most of the places in your photos well (someone once told Miguel and I we could get married at the chapel with the blood long before the thought had ever crossed our minds...). One of my favourite quirks about Brugge are the public benches that have green dragons as legs/supports -- have you noticed them yet?

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
finally back again in the U of Constance. It all worked pretty well and I arrived here yesterday at 10:30pm. Hail to the DB!
I had a great time staying with you, thanks again for everything!!!
Cu in VanBC ?!
Enjoy the rest of your trip